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\"close\"\"\" ===TITLE===
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this.Cookie.setCookie("_epage_tags",this.Cookie.getCookie("_epage_tags")+";;"+p_target+"=="+p_name+"=="+u[1]+"=="+p_icon); } } = function(p_url,p_name,p_target,p_icon) { var tagSeq; if(p_target=='_blank' ) { tagSeq = this.addTag(p_name,p_icon); } else { tagSeq = this.hashTable.get(p_target); if(!this.hasTag(tagSeq) || tagSeq==null) { tagSeq = this.addTag(p_name,p_icon); var u=p_url.split("?"); this.Cookie.setCookie("_epage_tags",this.Cookie.getCookie("_epage_tags")+";;"+p_target+"=="+p_name+"=="+u[1]+"=="+p_icon); } else { this.tagUrl.remove(tagSeq); this.selectTag(tagSeq); } } this.hashTable.put(p_target,tagSeq) ; var contDiv = this.contentDivPrefix+tagSeq; this.openUrl(contDiv,p_url); } divOsClass.prototype.openUrl = function(p_div,p_url,p_silent) { if(p_url.indexOf("?")<0) p_url+="?"; else p_url+="&"; p_url+="TagName="+p_div; this.genDivContentCallBackFunction(p_div); this.sajaxIO.sajaxSubmit('','',".setdivContent"+p_div,'_displayProgram',p_url); if (!p_silent) divOs.openWaitingWindow(divOs.waitWord,"sending"); } divOsClass.prototype.openSajaxUrl = function(p_div,p_url) { if(p_url.indexOf("?")<0) p_url+="?"; else p_url+="&"; p_url+="TagName="+p_div; p_url+="&DivId="+p_div; this.sajaxIO.sajaxSubmit('','',divOsClass.prototype.DivSajaxCallBack,'sajaxSubmit',p_url); } divOsClass.prototype.openSubmitForm = function(p_title,p_url,p_form,p_param,p_style,p_event) { divid="tmp"+this.popSeq; this.openPopWindow(p_title,p_style,'',divid,p_event) ; this.submitForm('ppcont'+divid,p_url,p_form,p_param,'sajaxSubmit'); } divOsClass.prototype.submitForm = function() { a=divOsClass.prototype.submitForm.arguments; argDiv = a[0]; argUrl = a[1]; if(a[2]) argForm = a[2]; else argForm = ""; if(a[3]) argParam = a[3]; else argParam = ""; if(a[4]) argFun = a[4]; else argFun = "sajaxSubmit"; if(argUrl.indexOf("?")<0) argUrl+="?"; else argUrl+="&"; argUrl+="TagName="+argDiv; this.genDivSubmitCallBackFunction(argDiv); this.sajaxIO.sajaxSubmit(argParam,argForm,".setDivSubmitContent"+argDiv,argFun,argUrl); this.Cookie.setCookie(argDiv,argUrl); 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} } divOsClass.prototype.getParentForm = function(p_obj){ while(p_obj.tagName.toLowerCase()!="body" && p_obj.tagName.toLowerCase()!="form") { p_obj = p_obj.parentNode; } if(p_obj.tagName.toLowerCase()=="form") return p_obj; else return null; } divOsClass.prototype.previousSibling = function(p_obj){ if(typeof(p_obj.previousSibling.tagName)=='undefined') return divOsClass.prototype.previousSibling(p_obj.previousSibling); else return p_obj.previousSibling; } divOsClass.prototype.childNode = function(p_obj,p_seq){ var counter = 0; try{ for(var i=0;i0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i"9") return false; } return true; } strUtil.prototype.isPosInteger = function() { a=strUtil.prototype.isPosInteger.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_in = a[0]; else p_in = this.String; var p_val = p_in.toString(); for(var i=0;i"9") return false; } return true; } strUtil.prototype.isEmpty = function () { a=strUtil.prototype.isEmpty.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_in = a[0]; else p_in = this.String; p_val = this.trim(p_in); if(p_val == null || p_val=="") return true; if(p_val.length==0) return true; return false; } strUtil.prototype.isEmail = function(){ a=strUtil.prototype.isEmail.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_in = a[0]; else p_in = this.String; var reg = new RegExp("^[_\.0-9a-zA-Z-]+@([0-9a-zA-Z-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$"); if(!=-1) return true; else return false; } strUtil.prototype.isCode = function() { a=strUtil.prototype.isCode.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_in = a[0]; else p_in = this.String; var reg =new RegExp(/^[a-z\d\_]+$/i); if(!=-1) return true; else return false; } strUtil.prototype.ltrim = function(p_str) { a=strUtil.prototype.ltrim.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_str = a[0]; else p_str = this.String; return p_str.replace(/(^\s*)/g, ""); } strUtil.prototype.trim = function(p_str) { a=strUtil.prototype.trim.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_str = a[0]; else p_str = this.String; return p_str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } strUtil.prototype.rtrim = function(p_str) { a=strUtil.prototype.rtrim.arguments; if(typeof(a[0])!='undefined') p_str = a[0]; else p_str = this.String; return p_str.replace(/(\s*$)/g, ""); } strUtil.prototype.wipeTag = function(p_str,p_tag) { var reg = new RegExp("<"+p_tag+"[^>]*>([\\s|\\S]*?)<\\/"+p_tag+"\\s*>","i"); p_str = p_str.replace(reg,""); return p_str; } strUtil.prototype.wipeScript = function(p_str) { var reg1 = /]*>([\s|\S]*?)<\/script\s*>/i; var reg2 = /]*>([\s|\S]*?)<\/iframe\s*>/i; var reg3 = /]*>([\s|\S]*?)<\/frameset\s*>/i; var reg4 = /]*>([\s|\S]*?)<\/a\s*>/i; p_str = p_str.replace(reg1,""); p_str = p_str.replace(reg2,""); p_str = p_str.replace(reg3,""); p_str = p_str.replace(reg4,""); return p_str; } strUtil.prototype.striptags = function(p_str) { var reg1 = /<[^>]*>/i; var reg2 = /<\/[^>]*>/i; var reg3 = / /i; p_str = p_str.replace(reg1,""); p_str = p_str.replace(reg2,""); p_str = p_str.replace(reg3,""); return p_str; } strUtil.prototype.wipeForm = function(p_str) { var reg1 = /]*>/i; var reg2 = /<\/form[^>]*>/i; p_str = p_str.replace(reg1,""); p_str = p_str.replace(reg2,""); return p_str; } strUtil.prototype.addslashes = function (str) { str=str.replace(/\'/g,'\\\''); str=str.replace(/\"/g,'\\"'); str=str.replace(/\\/g,'\\\\'); str=str.replace(/\0/g,'\\0'); return str; } strUtil.prototype.stripslashes = function (str) { str=str.replace(/\\'/g,'\''); str=str.replace(/\\"/g,'"'); str=str.replace(/\\\\/g,'\\'); str=str.replace(/\\0/g,'\0'); return str; } strUtil.prototype.nl2br = function (str) { return str.replace(/(\r\n)|(\n\r)|\r|\n/g,"
"); } strUtil.prototype.directShowInput = function (str) { return strUtil.prototype.nl2br(strUtil.prototype.htmlspecialchars(strUtil.prototype.stripslashes(str))); } strUtil.prototype.htmlspecialchars = function(str) { str = str.replace(/\/g,">"); str = str.replace(/\"/g,"""); return str; } strUtil.prototype.reversespecialchars = function(str) { str = str.replace(/</g,"<"); str = str.replace(/>/g,">"); str = str.replace(/"/g,"\""); str = str.replace(/&/g,"&"); return str; } strUtil.prototype.markIp = function () { a=strUtil.prototype.markIp.arguments; ip = a[0]; if(typeof(a[1])!='undefined') part = a[1]; else part = 3; if(part>4) return ip; ret = ip.split("."); str=""; for(i=0;i1000 && p_year<=9999)) return false; if(!(!isNaN(p_month) && p_month>=1 && p_month<=12)) return false; if(!(!isNaN(p_day) && p_day>=1 && p_day<=this.monthdays(p_year,p_month))) return false; return true; } dateUtil.prototype.isDates = function(p_date) { deli =''; for(i=0;i<=p_date.length;i++){ c=p_date.substring(i,i+1); switch (c) { case '-' : deli = '-' break; case '/' : deli = '/' break; case ':' : deli = ':' break; case '.' : deli = '.' break; case ',' : deli = ',' break; case "'" : deli = "'" break; } if (deli!="") break; } if(deli=="") return false; l_date=p_date.split(deli); if(l_date.length>3) return false; try { if(!this.validdate(l_date[0],l_date[1],l_date[2])) return false; }catch(e){return false;} return true; } function dataCheck() { this.ErrMsg = new Array(); this.ErrMsg[2] = "Please Input Something!"; this.ErrMsg[1] = "Error1!"; return this; } dataCheck.prototype.setField = function(p_field) { this.screenField = p_field; } dataCheck.prototype.setName = function(p_name) { this.screenName = p_name; } dataCheck.prototype.setNull = function(p_null) { this.screenNull = p_null; } dataCheck.prototype.setType = function(p_type) { this.screenType = p_type; } dataCheck.prototype.getObj = function(p_form,p_name,p_prefix) { var obj ; if(typeof(p_form)=='object') { obj = eval("p_form."+p_prefix+p_name); } else { obj = eval("document."+p_form+"."+p_prefix+p_name); } if(!obj) return false; return obj; } dataCheck.prototype.setMsg = function(p_msg) { this.ErrMsg = p_msg; } dataCheck.prototype.datavalid = function(p_form,p_prefix) { var msg = ""; var focusobj ; var flag = 1; var f_length = this.screenField.length; var strUtl = new strUtil(''); for(var i=0;i0) return false; return true; } hashUtil.prototype.pop = function() { var l_key = this.getFirstKey(); var l_val = this.getFirst(); this.remove(l_key); return l_val; } = function() { var ret = this.queueSeq.split(this.Sep); if(typeof(ret[this.Pointer])=="undefined") return ""; var l_key = ret[this.Pointer++]; var l_val = this.get(l_key); return l_val; } hashUtil.prototype.isEOF = function() { if(this.Pointer>=this.Length) return true; return false; } hashUtil.prototype.get = function(key) { if(typeof this.Storage[key] == "undefined") return null; else return this.Storage[key]; } hashUtil.prototype.getKey = function(val) { if(typeof this.RevStorage[val] == "undefined") return null; return this.RevStorage[val]; } hashUtil.prototype.mvToFirst = function(key) { this.queueSeq = this.queueSeq.replace(key+this.Sep,""); this.queueSeq = key+this.Sep+this.queueSeq; } hashUtil.prototype.getFirst = function() { while(true) { var key = this.queueSeq.substring(0,this.queueSeq.indexOf(this.Sep)); if(typeof this.Storage[key] == "undefined") { this.queueSeq = this.queueSeq.substring(this.queueSeq.indexOf(this.Sep)); } return this.Storage[key]; } } hashUtil.prototype.getFirstKey = function() { while(true) { var key = this.queueSeq.substring(0,this.queueSeq.indexOf(this.Sep)); if(typeof this.Storage[key] == "undefined") break; return key; } } hashUtil.prototype.hasKey = function(key) { if(typeof this.Storage[key] == "undefined") return false; return true; } hashUtil.prototype.hasValue = function(val) { if(typeof this.RevStorage[val] == "undefined") return false; return true; } hashUtil.prototype.remove = function(key) { this.queueSeq = this.queueSeq.replace(key+this.Sep,""); var val = this.Storage[key] ; delete this.Storage[key]; delete this.RevStorage[val]; this.Length--; } hashUtil.prototype.reset = function() { this.Storage = new Object(); this.RevStorage = new Object(); this.queueSeq = ""; this.Length=0; this.Pointer = 0; return this; } hashUtil.prototype.resetPointer = function() { this.Pointer=0; } function Scroll(p_width,p_height,p_speed,p_direct){ this.ns = (document.layers)? true:false = (document.all)? true:false this.preTop = 0; this.preLeft = 0; this.moveLimit = 0; this.currentLeft = 0; this.currentTop = 0; this.marquee_name = ""; this.template_name = ""; this.marquee_hidden = ""; this.marquee_width = p_width; this.marquee_height = p_height; this.marquee_speed = p_speed; this.marquee_direct = p_direct; this.setMarObject = setMarObject; this.setTempObject = setTempObject; this.setHiddenObject = setHiddenObject; this.beginScroll = beginScroll; this.scrollInit = scrollInit; this.scrollUp = scrollUp; this.scrollDown = scrollDown; this.scrollRight = scrollRight; this.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; 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} XMLP.prototype.getContent = function() { return (this.m_cSrc == XMLP._CONT_XML) ? this.m_xml : this.m_cAlt; } XMLP.prototype.getContentBegin = function() { return this.m_cB; } XMLP.prototype.getContentEnd = function() { return this.m_cE; } XMLP.prototype.getLineNumber = function() { return SAXStrings.getLineNumber(this.m_xml, this.m_iP); } XMLP.prototype.getName = function() { return this.m_name; } = function() { return this._checkStructure(this._parse()); } XMLP.prototype._parse = function() { if(this.m_iP == this.m_xml.length) { return XMLP._NONE; } if(this.m_iP == this.m_xml.indexOf("= iE)) { return iNB; } iEq = this.m_xml.indexOf("=", iNB); if((iEq == -1) || (iEq > iE)) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_VALUES); } iNE = SAXStrings.lastIndexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iNB, iEq); iVB = SAXStrings.indexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iEq + 1, iE); if((iVB == -1) ||(iVB > iE)) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_VALUES); } cQuote = this.m_xml.charAt(iVB); if(SAXStrings.QUOTES.indexOf(cQuote) == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_VALUES); } iVE = this.m_xml.indexOf(cQuote, iVB + 1); if((iVE == -1) ||(iVE > iE)) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_VALUES); } strN = this.m_xml.substring(iNB, iNE + 1); strV = this.m_xml.substring(iVB + 1, iVE); if(strN.indexOf("<") != -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_LT_NAME); } if(strV.indexOf("<") != -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_LT_VALUE); } strV = SAXStrings.replace(strV, null, null, "\n", " "); strV = SAXStrings.replace(strV, null, null, "\t", " "); iRet = this._replaceEntities(strV); if(iRet == XMLP._ERROR) { return iRet; } strV = this.m_cAlt; if(this._findAttributeIndex(strN) == -1) { this._addAttribute(strN, strV); } else { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ATT_DUP); } this.m_iP = iVE + 2; return XMLP._ATT; } XMLP.prototype._parseCDATA = function(iB) { var iE = this.m_xml.indexOf("]]>", iB); if (iE == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_CDATA); } this._setContent(XMLP._CONT_XML, iB, iE); this.m_iP = iE + 3; return XMLP._CDATA; } XMLP.prototype._parseComment = function(iB) { var iE = this.m_xml.indexOf("-" + "->", iB); if (iE == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_COMMENT); } this._setContent(XMLP._CONT_XML, iB, iE); this.m_iP = iE + 3; return XMLP._COMMENT; } XMLP.prototype._parseDTD = function(iB) { var iE, strClose, iInt, iLast; iE = this.m_xml.indexOf(">", iB); if(iE == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_DTD); } iInt = this.m_xml.indexOf("[", iB); strClose = ((iInt != -1) && (iInt < iE)) ? "]>" : ">"; while(true) { if(iE == iLast) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_INFINITELOOP); } iLast = iE; iE = this.m_xml.indexOf(strClose, iB); if(iE == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_DTD); } if (this.m_xml.substring(iE - 1, iE + 2) != "]]>") { break; } } this.m_iP = iE + strClose.length; return XMLP._DTD; } XMLP.prototype._parseElement = function(iB) { var iE, iDE, iNE, iRet; var iType, strN, iLast; iDE = iE = this.m_xml.indexOf(">", iB); if(iE == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_ELM); } if(this.m_xml.charAt(iB) == "/") { iType = XMLP._ELM_E; iB++; } else { iType = XMLP._ELM_B; } if(this.m_xml.charAt(iE - 1) == "/") { if(iType == XMLP._ELM_E) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ELM_EMPTY); } iType = XMLP._ELM_EMP; iDE--; } iDE = SAXStrings.lastIndexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iB, iDE); if (iE - iB != 1 ) { if(SAXStrings.indexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iB, iDE) != iB) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ELM_NAME); } } this._clearAttributes(); iNE = SAXStrings.indexOfWhitespace(this.m_xml, iB, iDE); if(iNE == -1) { iNE = iDE + 1; } else { this.m_iP = iNE; while(this.m_iP < iDE) { if(this.m_iP == iLast) return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_INFINITELOOP); iLast = this.m_iP; iRet = this._parseAttribute(this.m_iP, iDE); if(iRet == XMLP._ERROR) return iRet; } } strN = this.m_xml.substring(iB, iNE); if(strN.indexOf("<") != -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ELM_LT_NAME); } this.m_name = strN; this.m_iP = iE + 1; return iType; } XMLP.prototype._parseEntity = function(iB) { var iE = this.m_xml.indexOf(";", iB); if(iE == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_ENTITY); } this.m_iP = iE + 1; return this._replaceEntity(this.m_xml, iB, iE); } XMLP.prototype._parsePI = function(iB) { var iE, iTB, iTE, iCB, iCE; iE = this.m_xml.indexOf("?>", iB); if(iE== -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_PI); } iTB = SAXStrings.indexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iB, iE); if(iTB == -1) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_PI_TARGET); } iTE = SAXStrings.indexOfWhitespace(this.m_xml, iTB, iE); if(iTE== -1) { iTE = iE; } iCB = SAXStrings.indexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iTE, iE); if(iCB == -1) { iCB = iE; } iCE = SAXStrings.lastIndexOfNonWhitespace(this.m_xml, iCB, iE); if(iCE== -1) { iCE = iE - 1; } this.m_name = this.m_xml.substring(iTB, iTE); this._setContent(XMLP._CONT_XML, iCB, iCE + 1); this.m_iP = iE + 2; return XMLP._PI; } XMLP.prototype._parseText = function(iB) { var iE, iEE; iE = this.m_xml.indexOf("<", iB); if(iE == -1) { iE = this.m_xml.length; } iEE = this.m_xml.indexOf("&", iB); if((iEE != -1) && (iEE <= iE)) { iE = iEE; } this._setContent(XMLP._CONT_XML, iB, iE); this.m_iP = iE; return XMLP._TEXT; } XMLP.prototype._replaceEntities = function(strD, iB, iE) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) return ""; iB = iB || 0; iE = iE || strD.length; var iEB, iEE, strRet = ""; iEB = strD.indexOf("&", iB); iEE = iB; while((iEB > 0) && (iEB < iE)) { strRet += strD.substring(iEE, iEB); iEE = strD.indexOf(";", iEB) + 1; if((iEE == 0) || (iEE > iE)) { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_CLOSE_ENTITY); } iRet = this._replaceEntity(strD, iEB + 1, iEE - 1); if(iRet == XMLP._ERROR) { return iRet; } strRet += this.m_cAlt; iEB = strD.indexOf("&", iEE); } if(iEE != iE) { strRet += strD.substring(iEE, iE); } this._setContent(XMLP._CONT_ALT, strRet); return XMLP._ENTITY; } XMLP.prototype._replaceEntity = function(strD, iB, iE) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) return -1; iB = iB || 0; iE = iE || strD.length; switch(strD.substring(iB, iE)) { case "amp": strEnt = "&"; break; case "lt": strEnt = "<"; break; case "gt": strEnt = ">"; break; case "apos": strEnt = "'"; break; case "quot": strEnt = "\""; break; default: if(strD.charAt(iB) == "#") { strEnt = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(strD.substring(iB + 1, iE))); } else { return this._setErr(XMLP.ERR_ENTITY_UNKNOWN); } break; } this._setContent(XMLP._CONT_ALT, strEnt); return XMLP._ENTITY; } XMLP.prototype._setContent = function(iSrc) { var args = arguments; if(XMLP._CONT_XML == iSrc) { this.m_cAlt = null; this.m_cB = args[1]; this.m_cE = args[2]; } else { this.m_cAlt = args[1]; this.m_cB = 0; this.m_cE = args[1].length; } this.m_cSrc = iSrc; } XMLP.prototype._setErr = function(iErr) { var strErr = XMLP._errs[iErr]; this.m_cAlt = strErr; this.m_cB = 0; this.m_cE = strErr.length; this.m_cSrc = XMLP._CONT_ALT; return XMLP._ERROR; } SAXDriver = function() { this.m_hndDoc = null; this.m_hndErr = null; this.m_hndLex = null; } SAXDriver.DOC_B = 1; SAXDriver.DOC_E = 2; SAXDriver.ELM_B = 3; SAXDriver.ELM_E = 4; SAXDriver.CHARS = 5; SAXDriver.PI= 6; SAXDriver.CD_B= 7; SAXDriver.CD_E= 8; SAXDriver.CMNT= 9; SAXDriver.DTD_B = 10; SAXDriver.DTD_E = 11; SAXDriver.prototype.parse = function(strD) { var parser = new XMLP(strD); if(this.m_hndDoc && this.m_hndDoc.setDocumentLocator) { this.m_hndDoc.setDocumentLocator(this); } this.m_parser = parser; this.m_bErr = false; if(!this.m_bErr) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.DOC_B); } this._parseLoop(); if(!this.m_bErr) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.DOC_E); } this.m_xml = null; this.m_iP = 0; } SAXDriver.prototype.setDocumentHandler = function(hnd) { this.m_hndDoc = hnd; } SAXDriver.prototype.setErrorHandler = function(hnd) { this.m_hndErr = hnd; } SAXDriver.prototype.setLexicalHandler = function(hnd) { this.m_hndLex = hnd; } SAXDriver.prototype.getColumnNumber = function() { return this.m_parser.getColumnNumber(); } SAXDriver.prototype.getLineNumber = function() { return this.m_parser.getLineNumber(); } SAXDriver.prototype.getMessage = function() { return this.m_strErrMsg; } SAXDriver.prototype.getPublicId = function() { return null; } SAXDriver.prototype.getSystemId = function() { return null; } SAXDriver.prototype.getLength = function() { return this.m_parser.getAttributeCount(); } SAXDriver.prototype.getName = function(index) { return this.m_parser.getAttributeName(index); } SAXDriver.prototype.getValue = function(index) { return this.m_parser.getAttributeValue(index); } SAXDriver.prototype.getValueByName = function(name) { return this.m_parser.getAttributeValueByName(name); } SAXDriver.prototype._fireError = function(strMsg) { this.m_strErrMsg = strMsg; this.m_bErr = true; if(this.m_hndErr && this.m_hndErr.fatalError) { this.m_hndErr.fatalError(this); } } SAXDriver.prototype._fireEvent = function(iEvt) { var hnd, func, args = arguments, iLen = args.length - 1; if(this.m_bErr) return; if(SAXDriver.DOC_B == iEvt) { func = "startDocument"; hnd = this.m_hndDoc; } else if (SAXDriver.DOC_E == iEvt) { func = "endDocument"; hnd = this.m_hndDoc; } else if (SAXDriver.ELM_B == iEvt) { func = "startElement"; hnd = this.m_hndDoc; } else if (SAXDriver.ELM_E == iEvt) { func = "endElement"; hnd = this.m_hndDoc; } else if (SAXDriver.CHARS == iEvt) { func = "characters"; hnd = this.m_hndDoc; } else if (SAXDriver.PI== iEvt) { func = "processingInstruction"; hnd = this.m_hndDoc; } else if (SAXDriver.CD_B== iEvt) { func = "startCDATA"; hnd = this.m_hndLex; } else if (SAXDriver.CD_E== iEvt) { func = "endCDATA"; hnd = this.m_hndLex; } else if (SAXDriver.CMNT== iEvt) { func = "comment"; hnd = this.m_hndLex; } if(hnd && hnd[func]) { if(0 == iLen) { hnd[func](); } else if (1 == iLen) { hnd[func](args[1]); } else if (2 == iLen) { hnd[func](args[1], args[2]); } else if (3 == iLen) { hnd[func](args[1], args[2], args[3]); } } } SAXDriver.prototype._parseLoop = function(parser) { var iEvent, parser; parser = this.m_parser; while(!this.m_bErr) { iEvent =; if(iEvent == XMLP._ELM_B) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.ELM_B, parser.getName(), this); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._ELM_E) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.ELM_E, parser.getName()); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._ELM_EMP) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.ELM_B, parser.getName(), this); this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.ELM_E, parser.getName()); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._TEXT) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.CHARS, parser.getContent(), parser.getContentBegin(), parser.getContentEnd() - parser.getContentBegin()); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._ENTITY) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.CHARS, parser.getContent(), parser.getContentBegin(), parser.getContentEnd() - parser.getContentBegin()); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._PI) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.PI, parser.getName(), parser.getContent().substring(parser.getContentBegin(), parser.getContentEnd())); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._CDATA) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.CD_B); this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.CHARS, parser.getContent(), parser.getContentBegin(), parser.getContentEnd() - parser.getContentBegin()); this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.CD_E); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._COMMENT) { this._fireEvent(SAXDriver.CMNT, parser.getContent(), parser.getContentBegin(), parser.getContentEnd() - parser.getContentBegin()); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._DTD) { } else if(iEvent == XMLP._ERROR) { this._fireError(parser.getContent()); } else if(iEvent == XMLP._NONE) { return; } } } SAXStrings = function() { } SAXStrings.WHITESPACE = " \t\n\r"; SAXStrings.QUOTES = "\"'"; SAXStrings.getColumnNumber = function(strD, iP) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) { return -1; } iP = iP || strD.length; var arrD = strD.substring(0, iP).split("\n"); var strLine = arrD[arrD.length - 1]; arrD.length--; var iLinePos = arrD.join("\n").length; return iP - iLinePos; } SAXStrings.getLineNumber = function(strD, iP) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) { return -1; } iP = iP || strD.length; return strD.substring(0, iP).split("\n").length } SAXStrings.indexOfNonWhitespace = function(strD, iB, iE) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) { return -1; } iB = iB || 0; iE = iE || strD.length; for(var i = iB; i < iE; i++){ if(SAXStrings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) == -1) { return i; } } return -1; } SAXStrings.indexOfWhitespace = function(strD, iB, iE) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) { return -1; } iB = iB || 0; iE = iE || strD.length; for(var i = iB; i < iE; i++) { if(SAXStrings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) != -1) { return i; } } return -1; } SAXStrings.isEmpty = function(strD) { return (strD == null) || (strD.length == 0); } SAXStrings.lastIndexOfNonWhitespace = function(strD, iB, iE) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) { return -1; } iB = iB || 0; iE = iE || strD.length; for(var i = iE - 1; i >= iB; i--){ if(SAXStrings.WHITESPACE.indexOf(strD.charAt(i)) == -1){ return i; } } return -1; } SAXStrings.replace = function(strD, iB, iE, strF, strR) { if(SAXStrings.isEmpty(strD)) { return ""; } iB = iB || 0; iE = iE || strD.length; return strD.substring(iB, iE).split(strF).join(strR); } Stack = function() { this.m_arr = new Array(); } Stack.prototype.clear = function() { this.m_arr = new Array(); } Stack.prototype.count = function() { return this.m_arr.length; } Stack.prototype.destroy = function() { this.m_arr = null; } Stack.prototype.peek = function() { if(this.m_arr.length == 0) { return null; } return this.m_arr[this.m_arr.length - 1]; } Stack.prototype.pop = function() { if(this.m_arr.length == 0) { return null; } var o = this.m_arr[this.m_arr.length - 1]; this.m_arr.length--; return o; } Stack.prototype.push = function(o) { this.m_arr[this.m_arr.length] = o; } function isEmpty(str) { return (str==null) || (str.length==0); } function trim(trimString, leftTrim, rightTrim) { if (isEmpty(trimString)) { return ""; } if (leftTrim == null) { leftTrim = true; } if (rightTrim == null) { rightTrim = true; } var left=0; var right=0; var i=0; var k=0; if (leftTrim == true) { while ((i=left) && (whitespace.indexOf(trimString.charAt(k--))!=-1)) { right++; } } return trimString.substring(left, trimString.length - right); } function __escapeString(str) { var escAmpRegEx = /&/g; var escLtRegEx = //g; var quotRegEx = /"/g; var aposRegEx = /'/g; str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&"); str = str.replace(escLtRegEx, "<"); str = str.replace(escGtRegEx, ">"); str = str.replace(quotRegEx, """); str = str.replace(aposRegEx, "'"); return str; } function __unescapeString(str) { var escAmpRegEx = /&/g; var escLtRegEx = /</g; var escGtRegEx = />/g; var quotRegEx = /"/g; var aposRegEx = /'/g; str = str.replace(escAmpRegEx, "&"); str = str.replace(escLtRegEx, "<"); str = str.replace(escGtRegEx, ">"); str = str.replace(quotRegEx, "\""); str = str.replace(aposRegEx, "'"); return str; } function addClass(classCollectionStr, newClass) { if (classCollectionStr) { if (classCollectionStr.indexOf("|"+ newClass +"|") < 0) { classCollectionStr += newClass + "|"; } } else { classCollectionStr = "|"+ newClass + "|"; } return classCollectionStr; } DOMException = function(code) { this._class = addClass(this._class, "DOMException"); this.code = code; }; DOMException.INDEX_SIZE_ERR= 1; DOMException.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR= 2; DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR= 3; DOMException.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR= 4; DOMException.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR= 5; DOMException.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR= 6; DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR= 7; DOMException.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8; DOMException.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR= 9; DOMException.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR= 10; DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR= 11; DOMException.SYNTAX_ERR = 12; DOMException.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR= 13; DOMException.NAMESPACE_ERR = 14; DOMException.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR= 15; DOMImplementation = function() { this._class = addClass(this._class, "DOMImplementation"); this._p = null; this.preserveWhiteSpace = false; this.namespaceAware = true; this.errorChecking= true; }; DOMImplementation.prototype.escapeString = function DOMNode__escapeString(str) { return __escapeString(str); }; DOMImplementation.prototype.unescapeString = function DOMNode__unescapeString(str) { return __unescapeString(str); }; DOMImplementation.prototype.hasFeature = function DOMImplementation_hasFeature(feature, version) { var ret = false; if (feature.toLowerCase() == "xml") { ret = (!version || (version == "1.0") || (version == "2.0")); } else if (feature.toLowerCase() == "core") { ret = (!version || (version == "2.0")); } return ret; }; DOMImplementation.prototype.loadXML = function DOMImplementation_loadXML(xmlStr) { var parser; try { parser = new XMLP(xmlStr); } catch (e) { alert("Error Creating the SAX Parser. Did you include xmlsax.js or tinyxmlsax.js in your web page?\nThe SAX parser is needed to populate XML for